The time of great children's writer has long passed, and a worthy replacement for them has not yet been found. We are sure that this is what many parents think when collecting the first library for their child. We have prepared for you a list of worthy contemporary children authors.
Holly Webb

This British The German storyteller, Kirsten Boie, is not just a well-known children's writer but also the winner of numerous, in her popularity among young readers, can even compete with recognized literary men of the past. She has written more than a hundred books for children, which teach the simplest and, at the same time, necessary things: to be kind and patient with their loved ones, to love animals and be friends with them, not to deceive, not to commit meanness, and simply to remain human even in very difficult situations. Besides, Webb’s children book writer help the child overcome their fears, instill a love of reading, and inspire creativity.
Kirsten Boie
The German storyteller, Kirsten Boie, is not just a well-known children's writer but also the winner of numerous national and international literary awards, in particular the Hans Christian Andersen Prize. According to critics, her work is characterized by high literary quality and incredible diversity, and readers often compare her to the legendary Astrid Lindgren. And this comparison isn’t accidental because Boie’s works, as well as those of the Swedish writer, are dedicated to children, their attempts to learn to live following adult rules, without losing their spiritual purity and humanity.
Sharon Creech

She’s the first American woman who was awarded the Carnegie and Newbury medals. A former primary school teacher, she, like no one else, understands the complex inner world of a child and is ready to share her extraordinary knowledge with both the youngest readers and their parents. This is a very unique and one of the most famous writers. Practically in a playful way and with a fair amount of humor, Creech in her books introduces the most crucial topics of our time to children and adolescents: tolerance, trust, friendship, and even the loss of loved ones. Just the kind of children's writer who inspires confidence in parents.
Katja Brandis

From a young age, the German children writer dreamed of miracles and a magical world, access to which would be open only to little boys and girls. And it looks like she managed to fulfill her dream. A series of books about werewolf children studying in an unusual forest school has already conquered the whole world. The main characters of Brandis’s novels know how to transform into different animals, which, however, doesn’t prevent them from getting involved in adventures, from which they are rescued not by magical abilities but by the most ordinary — human ones.
Frauke Scheunemann
The German creator of the series about the detective cat, beloved by children, never dreamed of a writing career, but on the contrary, she thought about the future of kids and adolescents quite often. She’s a former juvenile lawyer. At one time, Scheunemann devoted herself entirely to jurisprudence precisely to make the life of teenagers in Germany safe and easier. Later, she left her favorite business and became a journalist, and then tried herself in literature and tried her hand at being a children writer.